Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Add to the Mix, a Labrador Puppy!

As if I didn't have enough to do already, this adorable pup walks into our lives and with him a renewed spirit of energy. It’s kind of a long story and I have a little time before the twins wake up for a night time feeding, so I will tell it to you.

Six days ago, there was a post on an email list that I am a member of, offering a free chocolate Lab puppy. I didn't respond immediately because I was so swamped I missed it. Well a few days later I was reviewing my messages and my eyes just about popped out of my head. Who would give away a Labrador puppy? There can't be something wrong with him, he's a Lab, who wouldn't want a Lab and free?? Well if you have ever had the pleasure of knowing or having a Lab puppy, you know what the answer to that one is. :)  So I just replied that if the puppy was not yet claimed that our family would be interested, and hit the send button. At that moment, I smacked myself on the forehead, and had a hesitation. What did I just do? Did I just say yes to a pet, a huge pet, without consulting with Giovanni? Yes, dodo bird, ya sure did. 

I kinda couldn't help it. See years ago I had an encounter with a charming chocolate Labrador, Zach. He was an old fella, but he was HUGE! I used to work for a freeway bridge construction company as an administrative assistant, when I lived in California. I was probably around 20 years old, young and dumb. Most of the time I was left alone in a dusty construction yard trailer. And Zach, who belonged to a crane operator, kept me company. 

On one particular day, against the wishes of our construction supervisor, I let Zach hang out with me in the office/mobile trailer. Mid morning a stranger walked in asking for a job. I told him that we never hire from the field, and he should contact his local union for more information. He insisted that I give him more information and proceeded to come closer to my desk. I became a little afraid because this dude seemed like his intentions were more than just looking for a job. Zach, who was lying at my feet sprung up from behind my desk, placed his front paws on the desk and was face to face with the stranger. Needless to say the stranger was scared off by Zach, and split. I think it was a close one for me that day. 

That day is when I fell in love with chocolate Labs. So when someone was offering a puppy free, I just kinda acted impulsively. I did say a quick prayer, God, if it be your will, please let me have this puppy, please let Giovanni say that we can have him. If you know that we cannot handle this puppy right now, it’s ok, but I would really, really like this puppy.

When Giovanni came home, I reminded him about that story, and told him that someone was offering this puppy and showed him the email. I didn't tell Giovanni, that I prayed about it, because I didn't want to add unnecessary guilt. His initial reaction was that he couldn't believe it. But he said, "Yes, if it was free, and there were no other problems. Yes, when can we pick him up?" At this point I had not received a response about the puppy. Matter of fact it took 4 days to hear back from the puppy's owner. Someone had already taken the puppy but returned him the next day because it was just not the right fit for them. (I do know that Labrador puppies are a lot of work and they are a large breed. They require lots of attention and will eat anything.) This was great news for me, and so I admitted to my husband and children that I prayed to God for this dog, and what a miracle it was that He heard my prayers! This was a great opportunity to show my children that we can come to our Father, in prayer and love to ask Him for anything. We can pray that it be God's will, because I think that God would never give us something that would interfere with our salvation. If the puppy could not be ours, then that would be ok, because God knows what is and isn't good for us, even if it was a cute little puppy. 

And so he came to us. He was delivered that day, on a Sunday. If I was made to wait just one day, I would have not slept over the excitement that he was mine! Isn't he just adorable?!

1 comment:

Yvette said...

Michelle, I love the way you write! You are so detailed and funny. I am glad I found your blog.Congrats on your new Choc Lab Puppy! Peace, Yvette b