Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I want to be a "Glass is half full" person.

"The more we empty ourselves, the more room we give God to fill us." - Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta

This changes the meaning of the terms the "Glass is half full" or the "Glass is half empty". I always thought of myself as being the "Glass is half full" person. Full of what? My own thoughts and my own concerns, what I have accomplished, what I have in life?

I need to rethink what I want my glass to be full of, not half full, not half empty. This is not the hard part though, it's letting myself be empty to be filled with God.

Sorry for the internal struggle I just worked out with my blog.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Topic for June Teaching help in Kitchen

Are the children lined up to help in the kitchen?

No way! We have 10 children and there is no room for a line anyway :) Every week my kids are assigned a Zone in the house. The kitchen is Zone 2 and it's the toughest job in the house. Who ever has Zone 2 for the week is responsible for the pantry, meal planning, cleaning, cooking and serving. The kitchen is also my domain so, I am always there for support especially for the younger kids.

At what age do you start training your children to be helpful?
What areas do you start with?

No one is this house is too young to help. It starts when they learn to take toys out, they can put them back. My 4 & 5 year olds don't know how to change a diaper, but they know how to put a diaper on, so I let them do that part. 3, 4, & 5 year olds are always eager helpers when it comes to new and little babies so right there is a good start.

Do you have a special way to train them?

Our family always says a Morning Offering as soon as each of us wakes up. Then we meet before breakfast for the Angelus, Grace and our family's favorite prayer, "Jesus, Mary & Joseph, I love you. Help me to love others and myself the way you love me." 3 times.
The following scripture is an important reminder that we should always seek to serve the least among us, especially for us parents and older children.

Matt. 10:42- And whoever gives only a cup of cold water to one of these little ones to drink because he is a disciple--amen, I say to you, he will surely not lose his reward."

I remind the kids that we do this out of love for Him and to always seek his face in others. Mother Teresa was a great example of this.

I wish I could share more. For me it has been a tremendous lesson to learn how to serve my family. We struggle everyday, but it's a good fight :)

Michelle Briseno

A mother's love for her child is like nothing else in the world. It knows no aw, no pity, it dares all things and crushes down remorselessly all that stands in its path.- Agatha Christie

Home Schooling Lately

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Time goes by fast. Anthony started 9th grade with Kolbe Academy and it has been a real challenge. I am doing pre-k with Bennie, and Petra, kindergarten with Amilia, Aurora is in 1st grade, and Gio is in 4th grade. We have had very long days. Our routine has been off to a really slow start. I pray everyday, just about every hour, if not every other minute with my face in my hands, "God, please help me!" This seems to be sufficient for now, although I know I should make more time to pray the rosary. What a slacker.

I think I made a big mistake last year. Last year Anthony and Gio ended up in a private Academy and they both fell behind. So now we are doing our best to get caught up. I guess I really didn't have a choice because I was sick for the most part of last year with thyroid disease. It's has not been easy to put down the gloves and let go when I have reached my limit, and any reasonable person would probably have done the same thing cause I was so sick I couldn't even stay awake for most part of the day.

If I have learned anything about this last year is that this year (and for the rest of my life) I have to take of myself so that my family will continue to have the best of me.
The weather is getting nicer 1 or 2 degrees at a time. I am looking forward to the Oct-November weather. Its usually cool and crisp. We do have lots of fun in our pool and this helps the babies take really great naps!


Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Current mood: calm Category: Life

These past couple of months have been so difficult. We lost a child, a miscarriage. This was the first time anything like this has happened to us and it really hit us hard. I was just a few weeks pregnant but still, every time i look at my other 8 children, i cant help but to wonder what he/she would have looked like. I wonder about what a blessing it would have been to get to know another child of mine, a gift from God.

I know that God is definitely in charge and he has a plan for us. I understand that God's reasons will never be fully understood. I also know that he is our Father and he being the most loving Father, would not create life without purpose.

I have a deeper appreciation for tiny life. This baby would have been our ninth so i named our baby Novem.

I am so ready!!

Monday, February 25, 2008

Current mood: adventurous

Category: Goals, Plans, Hopes

Spring is just around the corner and I am really excited about it. I am so over Winter!


Thursday, March 06, 2008

Category: News and Politics

I am not one to be proud to admit that I have much in common with a democrat, but here goes...I have something in common with a democrat!
Do you ever wonder if anyone in Washington will really pass an effective immigration reform bill? NO WAY! There is too much money in it for the federal government.

What do you think happens to all that unclaimed tax and social security money that the illegal immigrants never claim? Do you think it may line the pockets of the social security administration? Come on...think about it.

I am a proud American. My father and his father defended this country with thier service in the military. I would not wish to live anywhere else in the world. But the fact that politicians are pushing for a mexican-american border is wack, what about the canadian border? Read this..."Mention border security and illegal immigration to someone and the border between the United States and Mexico likely comes to mind. But what about the U.S. border with Canada?" -Anderson Cooper, Tuesday, June 06, 2006. Read the rest of his blog:

"Many of the most fervent anti-immigrant activists are themselves the children or grandchildren of immigrants," he says. "The style changes, the accents change, the geographical antecedents change, but it's the same. You can track headline for headline the response to the Irish wave of immigration in the mid-19th century to the reaction of the Minutemen and similar radical anti-immigration groups today." Excerpted from His Panic: Why Americans Fear Hispanics in the U.S. by Geraldo Rivera. Published by Celebra Books, an imprint of Penguin Group (USA)
Read the full article:..

"Recognize the importance of pro-growth policies -- keeping government spending in check, holding down taxes, and cutting unnecessary regulatory burdens -- so American businesses can hire and pay the best.

Recognize the importance of a flexible labor market to keep employers in business and our economy on top. It should provide skilled Americans and immigrants with opportunity. Our education system should ensure skills for our younger workers, and our retraining and assistance programs for displaced workers must be modernized so they can pursue those opportunities"-John McCain

I know that immigration reform is wishfull thinking, but I am casting my vote on John McCain.

Have a great day!

Being a Good Neighbor

Thursday, May 22, 2008
Being a Good Neighbor
Current mood: blessed
Category: Life

Being a Good Neighbor

It's a rainy day in Arizona today. The weather is beautiful considering that it is usually about 100 degrees or more by now. It was hot just a few days ago. We are so grateful for these little breaks from the heat. God is good.
Every time it rains, no matter where I am, I am always reminded of my sweet neighbor, Lilly Mora. We call her Mrs. Mora. She did a simply unforgettable thing one day. If you know me, I may have already told you this story.

When we were living in California, it began to rain one day. I have always enjoyed rainy weather but I was having a bad day and for some reason the rain made me feel worse. I was at home with my then 6 children. (I have 8 now) My house was a little messy, the kids were bored out of their minds, and I was feeling overwhelmed. I was feeling sorry for myself. I was sitting by the window nursing my baby girl, Petra and crying. I picked up my head and looked out the window to see Mrs. Mora walking with her umbrella in one hand and something else in the other. She was coming to my house! So I wiped away my face and ran to make sure that my eyes were not red from my crying. Aurora my then four year old ran to greet Mrs. Mora at the door. When we opened the door, Mrs. Mora had dinner and dessert ready for us! She prepared a Chile Relleno Casserole and Jell-O Cake.
She set it on the table and we invited her to come in and sit for a while. All my kids loved Mrs. Mora, and so everyone sat to chat with her for a while. She told us about how much fun she used to have with her 6 boys when they were little. She told us that she loved to bake for them when it rained because there was nothing else to do. So she had been baking for the most part of the morning and decided to share what she made with us. We sat for a few minutes then she walked back home.
I was so surprised that she thought of me and my family. She really turned my day around. Here I was in my house feeling sorry for myself, and this little old lady comes and brings cheerfulness to my house. Mrs. Mora has no idea how much I appreciated what she did for me. I thanked her of course. But I couldn't tell her, I was so embarrassed. God bless Mrs. Mora.

The lesson that I learned that day was that we never know what's going on behind the doors of our neighbors. Not that it's any of our business, but we don't have to ask. You never know how a little visit might make someone's day.

Confucius: "He, who wishes to secure the good of others, has already secured his own."
George Eliot: "What do we live for, if it is not to make life less difficult for each other?"

Currently listening:Lean on MeBy Bill Withers

Catching Up

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Current mood: blissful Category: Life

I am sorry about that long break away :) We have all been doing really well. We have both been very busy, but we are balancing things pretty well. Gio is finishing up his degree. He hopes to be finished by December/January and I just started mine a few months ago. I am taking the summer off.

Our kids are finishing up the school year and looking forward to lighter school days, cause we don't take summer off :) I usually put away the text books, but we will continue reading, using workbooks, and playing games like Brain Quest or Big Brain Academy.

We are preparing for the 3 months of sauna like conditions here in sunny AZ. We will live like fish, spending most of our time in the pool. Its gonna get HOT! So we will find ways to cool off and even cruise to California for a few weeks. I cant wait to see family and friends

What are your plans for the summer?

Busy mommies finding time to pray?

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Today I read a post from a mom who was having a hard time finding the time for prayer. With a bunch of little kids, its hard to even think of finding the time to take a shower. I have been there and actually, I still am, so I thought I might add my own .02 regarding the topic. Here is my response the her post...

My husband is the one who gathers us at least twice a week to say the rosary. I grew up in a family where only my mother would pray. I think that often times we get caught up in that "tradition". But over and over again I have read in scripture that it is the men leading their families in prayer and worship. I am not saying to pass the responsibility of prayer to make it any easier, but how many times do our husbands call to gather the family to prayer? In my family, if I ask the kids to come and pray, I get the eye rolling and the complaining. But when dad calls for the rosary, forget it, the kids come running and are eager to join us. Could it be that this is the way God intends it? :)

It hasn't always been like this. My husband was nowhere near the practicing catholic that he is now. But I believe it was my silent, frequent prayers that God so generously granted me a prayerful husband. :)

Anyway, back to moms and prayer time. Here is my hourly prayer...ready..."God, help me!" I have 8 kids, one on the way, and my 15 yo little sister, so if I get a Hail Mary and a good solid Act of Contrition at least once a day it seems to get me by. BTW, I home school all my kids too.
Having prayer included in my kids daily routine is one way to get everyone's prayer life off to a great start. In the morning we gather for a Morning Offering, less than a minute. Before each meal we say The Angelus and The Table Blessing. Before bedtime the kids say a short bedtime prayer. There are limitless prayers to add throughout the day.

One very special prayer that we all say at least once a day is this short little prayer that Fr. Elliot taught me to say, "Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, I love you. Help me to love others and myself the way you love me."

Simple isn't it? But could you imagine the effects of that prayer? Its beautiful! :)
I know that God realizes how busy he keeps me with the 10 blessings and a hard working husband that my little prayers are actually meaningful worth something.

One more bit of advice is that us moms deserve to get out and have some quiet time with our Lord. I HAVE to have a break every week. So on Saturdays, I usually have a quiet meal alone, confession (God knows I need it weekly), and I may even take the morning off for Saturday morning Mass if I can.

Making sure that you nurture your soul is the best thing you can do as a wife, and mother. Sure its virtuous to put your family first and yes its the right thing to do, but neglecting your soul is unthinkable.