Thursday, June 4, 2009

Busy mommies finding time to pray?

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Today I read a post from a mom who was having a hard time finding the time for prayer. With a bunch of little kids, its hard to even think of finding the time to take a shower. I have been there and actually, I still am, so I thought I might add my own .02 regarding the topic. Here is my response the her post...

My husband is the one who gathers us at least twice a week to say the rosary. I grew up in a family where only my mother would pray. I think that often times we get caught up in that "tradition". But over and over again I have read in scripture that it is the men leading their families in prayer and worship. I am not saying to pass the responsibility of prayer to make it any easier, but how many times do our husbands call to gather the family to prayer? In my family, if I ask the kids to come and pray, I get the eye rolling and the complaining. But when dad calls for the rosary, forget it, the kids come running and are eager to join us. Could it be that this is the way God intends it? :)

It hasn't always been like this. My husband was nowhere near the practicing catholic that he is now. But I believe it was my silent, frequent prayers that God so generously granted me a prayerful husband. :)

Anyway, back to moms and prayer time. Here is my hourly prayer...ready..."God, help me!" I have 8 kids, one on the way, and my 15 yo little sister, so if I get a Hail Mary and a good solid Act of Contrition at least once a day it seems to get me by. BTW, I home school all my kids too.
Having prayer included in my kids daily routine is one way to get everyone's prayer life off to a great start. In the morning we gather for a Morning Offering, less than a minute. Before each meal we say The Angelus and The Table Blessing. Before bedtime the kids say a short bedtime prayer. There are limitless prayers to add throughout the day.

One very special prayer that we all say at least once a day is this short little prayer that Fr. Elliot taught me to say, "Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, I love you. Help me to love others and myself the way you love me."

Simple isn't it? But could you imagine the effects of that prayer? Its beautiful! :)
I know that God realizes how busy he keeps me with the 10 blessings and a hard working husband that my little prayers are actually meaningful worth something.

One more bit of advice is that us moms deserve to get out and have some quiet time with our Lord. I HAVE to have a break every week. So on Saturdays, I usually have a quiet meal alone, confession (God knows I need it weekly), and I may even take the morning off for Saturday morning Mass if I can.

Making sure that you nurture your soul is the best thing you can do as a wife, and mother. Sure its virtuous to put your family first and yes its the right thing to do, but neglecting your soul is unthinkable.

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