Thursday, June 4, 2009

Catching Up

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Current mood: blissful Category: Life

I am sorry about that long break away :) We have all been doing really well. We have both been very busy, but we are balancing things pretty well. Gio is finishing up his degree. He hopes to be finished by December/January and I just started mine a few months ago. I am taking the summer off.

Our kids are finishing up the school year and looking forward to lighter school days, cause we don't take summer off :) I usually put away the text books, but we will continue reading, using workbooks, and playing games like Brain Quest or Big Brain Academy.

We are preparing for the 3 months of sauna like conditions here in sunny AZ. We will live like fish, spending most of our time in the pool. Its gonna get HOT! So we will find ways to cool off and even cruise to California for a few weeks. I cant wait to see family and friends

What are your plans for the summer?

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