Thursday, June 4, 2009


Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Current mood: calm Category: Life

These past couple of months have been so difficult. We lost a child, a miscarriage. This was the first time anything like this has happened to us and it really hit us hard. I was just a few weeks pregnant but still, every time i look at my other 8 children, i cant help but to wonder what he/she would have looked like. I wonder about what a blessing it would have been to get to know another child of mine, a gift from God.

I know that God is definitely in charge and he has a plan for us. I understand that God's reasons will never be fully understood. I also know that he is our Father and he being the most loving Father, would not create life without purpose.

I have a deeper appreciation for tiny life. This baby would have been our ninth so i named our baby Novem.

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