Thursday, June 4, 2009

Home Schooling Lately

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Time goes by fast. Anthony started 9th grade with Kolbe Academy and it has been a real challenge. I am doing pre-k with Bennie, and Petra, kindergarten with Amilia, Aurora is in 1st grade, and Gio is in 4th grade. We have had very long days. Our routine has been off to a really slow start. I pray everyday, just about every hour, if not every other minute with my face in my hands, "God, please help me!" This seems to be sufficient for now, although I know I should make more time to pray the rosary. What a slacker.

I think I made a big mistake last year. Last year Anthony and Gio ended up in a private Academy and they both fell behind. So now we are doing our best to get caught up. I guess I really didn't have a choice because I was sick for the most part of last year with thyroid disease. It's has not been easy to put down the gloves and let go when I have reached my limit, and any reasonable person would probably have done the same thing cause I was so sick I couldn't even stay awake for most part of the day.

If I have learned anything about this last year is that this year (and for the rest of my life) I have to take of myself so that my family will continue to have the best of me.
The weather is getting nicer 1 or 2 degrees at a time. I am looking forward to the Oct-November weather. Its usually cool and crisp. We do have lots of fun in our pool and this helps the babies take really great naps!

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