Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Smacked in the Face

Have you ever smacked yourself in the face? Well today I did it twice. The first time I was out running errands and as I was putting the stroller back in the car I noticed that the detachable sun shade was bent out of shape. Well, it kinda got on my nerves so I attempted to bend that misbehaving thingy back into shape and...WHACK! It refused to bend to my will and I smacked myself right on my nose. It stung, it hurt, and I was humiliated.

So I did mention that I did this twice today so here is what happened the second time. Nothing spectacular like that first incident. I just bumped my forehead on a corner of my entertainment center. I have just a slight bump, but it was another avoidable injury.

Like most things this is a good lesson to learn. If it doesn't bend, leave it alone. It may not be worth it.

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